Thursday, April 11, 2013

{Book Series Spotlight} Midnight Fire Series by Kaitlyn Davis

Book One

Midnight Fire Series Book One
by Kaitlyn Davis

Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Pages: about 200-250
Word Count: Roughly 65,000

Book Description

"With one last look, one final search of the lines of his face for some sign, Kira turned and ran away from the sound of the man she loved laughing in the face of her death."

When Kira Dawson moves to South Carolina, she meets Luke, a blond goofball who quickly becomes her best friend, and Tristan, a mysterious bad boy who sends shivers down her spine. Kira knows they're keeping secrets, but when she discovers Tristan's lust for blood and her own dormant mystical powers, Kira is forced to fight for her life and make the heartbreaking decision between the familiar comfort of friendship and the fiery passion of love.


Finally, she looked at the guy Luke had called Tristan. He seemed different to her somehow, with jet-black hair that hung over his eyes a little, and barely visible dimples that played on his cheeks. His eyes were also an icy blue, but they seemed deeper to her, like steep ravines she could fall into. He stayed out of the conversation, she noticed, as if lost in his own thoughts—ones that seemed more troublesome than the cutting remarks being doled out by his friends. He had a rebel without a cause look that made him perilous for a girl’s heart.

Suddenly, he turned to Kira and his eyes seemed to brighten a shade when they landed on hers. He stared, and Kira, who was never one to back down, returned his look with interest.

"Who are you?" He asked in a barely audible voice filled with surprise, one just loud enough to attract the attention of his friends and Luke. Kira melted at the sound. He was dangerous she knew, but something about him made her feel safe and afraid at the same time.

"Kira," was all she could respond with. They both looked at each other, trying to unlock the other’s secrets.

His friends came to circle her now and she felt cornered. Fear sparked in her heart, like a quick flash of lightning. She didn’t quite understand it, but she also couldn’t shake it.

"Well, what have we here?" Diana leaned in to really look at her and Kira thought she could read shock on the girl’s face, despite the confidence in her voice. Tristan laid a hand on Diana’s arm, almost like a warning, Kira thought.

"Diana, back off," Luke said and tried to come to Kira’s rescue, but it was Mr. Bell who saved her by running into the classroom very late and very out of breath.

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Book Two

Midnight Fire Series Book Two
by Kaitlyn Davis

Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Pages: about 200-250 pages
Word Count: Roughly 65,000

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Book Description

"Slowly, like a whisper almost blown away in the wind, two words streaked across her mind: 'Kiss me.'"

Kira may have survived the eclipse, but her troubles are far from over. She's headed to Sonnyville with one goal in mind: to learn more about her parents. But with Luke and Tristan competing for her heart and Diana gunning for her head, time is running out on the search for her mother. And the closer Kira gets to answers, the more terrified she becomes. The conduits fear her, the vampires fear her, and Kira is starting to wonder if maybe they're right... 

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Book Three

Midnight Fire Series Book Three
by Kaitlyn Davis

Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Pages: about 200-250 pages
Word Count: Roughly 65,000

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Book Description

“Kira gulped, unable to stop the growing sense that everything in her world was about to change.” 

With Aldrich’s note burning a hole in her pocket, Kira is off to England to finally reunite with her birth mother. But what begins as a dream quickly turns to a nightmare and Kira is left questioning everything she has ever known. Can she be the conduit Luke wants her to be? Can she be the rebel Tristan needs her to be? Or is she something else? Something no one, not even Aldrich, ever saw coming…

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Book Four

Midnight Fire Series Book Four
by Kaitlyn Davis

Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Pages: about 200-250 pages
Word Count: Roughly 65,000

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Book Description

"All it did was remind Kira that time was running out. That she needed to choose. Or a lot more than a forest would burn. The whole world would crumble."

Aldrich escaped…again. Tristan forgot…everything. And Luke, well, Luke was getting more than a little impatient. But those were the least of Kira’s concerns, because something else happened in England—something she was trying desperately to forget. A wedge of evil had lodged itself in her heart, a little black hole had nestled into her flames, and it wasn’t going away—not anytime soon…and maybe not ever.

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About the Author
Kaitlyn Davis

Kaitlyn Davis graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Johns Hopkins University with a B.A. in Writing Seminars. She's been writing ever since she picked up her first crayon and is overjoyed to finally share her work with the world. She currently lives in New York City and dreams of having a cockapoo puppy of her own.

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